On 6 February, 2019 the team at IALPG attended the first ever French-Australia Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FACCI) Space Conference in Brisbane. The conference focused on the development of the Australian Space Industry and key speakers included IALPG’s own Duncan Blake, Special Counsel Space Law and Advisory Council Member of the Space Industry Association of Australia, Karl Rodriguez, Executive Director at the Australian Space Agency,  Thomas Pfister, Regional Sales Director for Space & New Business at Airbus Australasia, Adam Gilmour, CEO and Founder of Gilmour Space Technologies and Ben Starkey, Director and Business Manager at Ozius.

A key takeaway from the event was the Australian Space Agency’s plan to shift focus to the areas of communication technologies, service and ground stations, space situational awareness and debris monitoring as well as Earth Observation Services.

The FACCI event was a great success and IALPG is proud to be a member of this exciting group.  Word has it that future events like the Brisbane Seminar will be held in other cities so stay connected to IALPG to learn more.