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Пилот X предъявит иски компании Boeing и ФАУ в связи с крушениями самолетов MAX
Группа по международному воздушному праву и политике (IALPG) и наша команда, в которую входит юридическая фирма PMJ PLLC в Чикаго (, недавно удостоились чести поговорить с некоторыми семьями, потерявшими близких на рейсе ET302. Параллельно с нашим...
Pilot X to pursue Boeing and FAA over MAX fallout
To view in ICAO languages: French page translation: Please click here Russian page translation/русский язык: Please click here Chinese: Coming soon Arabic: Coming soon Spanish: Coming soon IALPG and our team including PMJ PLLC ( in Chicago, has...
Pending Case at ICJ: Review of ICAO Decision
Appeal Relating to the Jurisdiction of the ICAO Council under Article 84 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates v. Qatar) In 2017, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain closed...
High Court rules on tort claims for trauma for non passengers
Introduction The much awaited decision in Parkes Shire Council v South West Helicopters Pty Limited [2019] HCA 14 was delivered by the High Court of Australia on 8 May 2019. Family members of Mr Ian Stephenson, a passenger killed on a helicopter engaged by the...
Australian Civil Space Strategy Launch
In April 2019, the Australian Civil Space Strategy was released by the Australian Government outlining the plan to transform and grow Australia's space industry over the next 10 years. It sets out a vision to lift the broader economy and to improve the lives of...
Drone Licences Will Be Required By July
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has recently unveiled a new registration and licences scheme for drones in Australia. Under the new scheme, anyone who wants to fly a drone that weighs more than 250 grams, whether commercially or recreationally, will have to...
IALPG Hosts Space Law Seminar In Canberra
On the 13th of March we hosted our first ever Space Law Seminar in Canberra. Principal and Founder, Joseph Wheeler, introduced IALPG and what we do, and Special Counsel, Space Law, Duncan Blake, led discussion on the future of Space and Space Law. We had a variety of...
Ethiopian Airlines ET302: The Legal Aftermath
In an article published by The Australian last week, IALPG's Principal Joseph Wheeler writes about the multitude of legal problems Boeing may face in the aftermath of Ethiopian Airlines ET302 and Lion Air JT610. A link to the original article published by The...
Update – Angels Are Coming
This week the Australian Navigational Guide Explaining Laws for Space (ANGELS), which will provide guidance for Australia’s burgeoning space industry, met an important milestone in its evolution. Creating an essential web resource for space startups and entrepreneurs...